I'm really happy that I was able to help. :) You're welcome!!
Sarah Hollings wrote:
> I love you!!! All fixed!!
> There was a few different options in the bios to do with IDE, and
> although there was no provision for doing exactly what you said, there
> was this "IDE Channel 2 umpty-tum" option (which bore no resemblance to
> "If you have me set to disabled you will have no IDE 2"). But setting
> it to enable fixed it!
> I never would've thought of the CMOS - I figured it had to be the cable
> or something. Happy!!!!
> (Now I just have to buy a new floppy because I seem to have fried it by
> putting the ribbon cable in the wrong way when I was at my wits end
> before).
> "Tania M. Morell" wrote:
> >
> > Set your bios IDE1 and IDE2 options to "enabled" instead of "auto".
> >
> > -T
> >
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