On Mar 27, Tina Johnsson conjectured:

> On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Shaun wrote:
> [--snip--]
> > anyone know of a stable spreadsheet?, have had trouble with gnumeric and abacus
> > i would prefer xwindows based, but will try terminal if they are worth it
> I loved the spreadsheet included in StarOffice (5.1). I would call it "stable".
> _I_ havenīt been able to crash it anywayz ;-) 

I installed Star Office 5 when I installed RedHat 6.  It came on one of
the cd's.  WHen my machine was hacked, I didn't bother reinstalling it.
Mainly because I never use it, and I decided I wanted to learn LaTeX.  My
biggest problem with it was that it took ages to start up and used loads
of my system resources.  I couldn't run both it and netscape at the same
time.  (I use Gnome/E, and TOP shows them taking 27% of the mem as 'X'.
I've got 128 MB swap.)  Now I need a spreadsheet/plotter app to do lab
reports.  So I use appleworks on the iBook and force my poor boyfriend to
perform voodoo on clippings to get them into extended postscript (.eps)
format for LaTeX.  I can't for the life of me figure out what Gnuplot
wants, or even how to use it.  But I'm not going to install a very large
program so I can use its spreadsheet.  I'll stick with my voodoo for now.
I don't want an office suite.  I want something I can use to make charts
and graphs for my lab reports.  (I tried; the version of gnumeric i have
<0.27-1> doesn't seem to do this at all.  If it does, the option is very
well concealed.)

As always, your mileage may vary.


We are the Burgh.  Youns need assimilated.  
                        -John Moseman



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