
It's livable now, but still has a little flicker.  Everything I've read says 
it should get better in lower resolution, but it doesn't seem to be working. 
  I've set the sync rates according to my manual.


>From: Laurel Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [techtalk] SB Live! and SiS 5597 on linux
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:08:48 -0500 (EST)
>Excerpts from linuxchix: 22-Mar-100 [techtalk] SB Live! and SiS.. by "m
> > This is my first posting, so forgive me if this is a worn-out question.
> > Can I get SB Live! to work under linux?  I'm using Redhat 6.0 on a
> > Pentium.  Windows98 is also loaded.
>Yes. There is a driver at (called
>     emu10k1, i think).  There is also an ALSA driver at
> > I'm also having an annoying problem with the monitor in X.  If I run in
> > 1024x768, I get a default bit depth of 8.  It won't let me choose any
> > other.
>I assume you've tried startx -- -bbp 24.
>Make sure your HorizSync and VertRefresh are right, because X will
>refuse to use a mode if it thinks your monitor can't do it.
>Also make sure the dotclock of your video card is set right.
>Make sure you have a Display subsection for that depth in the screen
>You can specify multiple resolutions to try (switch between them with
>Ctrl-Alt-Numpad+ and Ctrl-Alt-Numpad-) by specifying multiple modes
>like this:
>     Subsection "Display"
>         Depth       16
>         Modes       "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024" "1600x1200"
>         ViewPort    0 0
>     EndSubsection
>Also make sure you have an appropriate modeline.  The XFree86
>Video Timings HOWTO explains what it all means, and also
>how to do your own if you want:
>This HOWTO will also tell you how to make an interlaced mode (which
>I suspect is how Windows gets 1024x768).  There's only one of those
>my autogenerated XF86Config, so adding your own might help.
>The squashed thing sounds like it's trying to use a doublescan
>mode, and not working.  You might want to comment those out, or
>just not use a resolution that low (640x480 should be low enough)
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