Hey Pete,
Do you have a default route set already. If you do that interfers with
ppp, which wants to set your default route. Also give wvdial a try. It has
worked for almost all ISP's that I have used.
Harry Hoffman
Product Systems Specialist
Restaurants Unlimited Inc.
206.634.3082 x. 270
On Sat, 25 Mar 2000, Pete Durst wrote:
> Hi Caity,
> I tried the different types, and no success with any of them. I was able
> to monitor the process via the terminal type login, and got some
> interesting feedback there. After entering my name and password, I was
> given my IP addresses and the ISP starting sending PPP info back to me. I
> hit the continue button, and immediately get the "pppd daemon has died
> un-expectantly" message. The connection is then dropped,and I have
> nothing. ifconfig is not showing any ppp interface, and I am wondering if
> that has something to do with the problem, or is as I assume just a symptom
> of the problem. Any other ideas?
> Thanks!
> Pete
> At 03:05 PM 3/25/00 -0500, Caitlyn Máire Martin wrote:
> >Hi, Pete,
> >
> > > From kppp, I tried to make a connection, went through the most obvious
> > > settings, and selected what I thought were the right switches, and when I
> > > tried to connect (watching the log window), I see the modem getting the
> > > dialing commands, I see the connection message come back, and then
> > > immediately I get a message about the "ppp daemon died
> > > unexpectantly". Looking at the details, the log file shows that "The
> > > remote system is required to authenticate itself but I couldn't find any
> > > secret (password) which would let it use an IP address."
> >
> >I had a similar problem changing ISPs from VNet (horrible customer service,
> >unreliable) to Earthlink. The solution: I had to change the authentication
> >from PAP (which VNet used) to CHAP. Kppp supports four types of
> >authentication. Try each one and see what happens.
> >
> >Also, you can try to connect using Minicom to debug your connection.
> >
> >Let us know if this helps. If not, I have some other ideas.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Caity
> >
> >
> >
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