I don't think that the Ultra 5's come with Solaris pre-installed.  At
the OK prompt you have to type boot cdrom and then it'll install the
OS.  If there's no way for you to get the Solaris CD, let me know, I may
be able to help.


"Jennifer L. Zoch" wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can help me.  I just got a new Sun Ultra 5 and now I
> can't boot it.  It goes through the boot process and then the screen goes
> blank when it gets to the login window.  I have no idea how to change
> this.  I am never able to login so I can't change config files.  The only
> option I can get to is the OpenBoot ok prompt.  And I don't have a Solaris
> CD so I can't boot from the CD.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
> **********************************
> Jennifer L. Zoch
> http://www.zoch.net
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