I'm trying to work on a clients machines. All are basic RH6.1 gnome
workstation installs (ftp and nfs added) I'n telneting into the main
machine without any problems. But when I try to get to the second
machine, sometimes it allows, sometimes I get the "connection refused"
errors. Sometimes I'll be logged in and it will randomly close.
No one else is logged in....is there some security setting thats being
flakey somewhere? Where do I start to look? The third machine is not
giving me any problems, and as far as I recall, they are set up
identically (I did it a couple months ago....)
Michelle Leonard
Inovision Corporation
6321 Angus Drive
Raleigh, NC 27613
(919) 788-9998
FAX (919) 788-9989
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