> >Nicole Zimmerman wrote:
> > I have a couple of problems. The first one is just plain irritating... the
> > fonts in applications are too dang big. Licq and mozilla seem to set their
> > own font sizes but things like netscape and gaim use whatever the
> > "default" is (right now it looks about 14 point helvetica to me). I want
> > it to be smaller, but I can't figure out where to change it.
> [snip]
> > I am thinking it might be WindowMaker's fault and not xfs', but I can't
> > find *anywhere* in WindowMaker's prefs or silly little conf files to
> > change it.

Check the given theme you are using as well.  Themes for windowmaker can
change the font size.  However, these font sizes should only affect the
window titles, and windowmaker utilities and such.  GNOM/Gtk
applications usually use a .gtkrc / something else for configuring fonts
and themes and such.

If netscape has large fonts, the place to change this is under:

  `- Preferances

I use a 14pt times.. but this is a 21" monitor..  ;)~

Hope that helps...

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