On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 09:54:32AM -0500, Michael Carson wrote:
> Jeff wrote:
> > Sounds pretty good.  The only cases where you might want to block out
> > specific ports with Ipchains is if you want to monitor a specific port
> > for abuse; like to watch if people are trying to DOS your win boxes on
> > one of the netbios ports (I don't think win98 is vulnerable to that
> > one... but I have little to no experience with that OS).
>     Unless I'm really missing something here (possible, as I'm coming in late) I 
>disagree.  It would be common to, for example, want to be able for the outside
> to access things like SMTP, but not SNMP, as a trivial example...

SMTP would probably be one of the services allowed that she specifically
enabled.  Everything else should be turned off and blocked.

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