*** Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I don't think the first made the post :-) Hi all, I am new to the list and a newbie to Linux. 6 months ago I installed SuSE v6.1 on an AMD K6-2 400MHz/96M RAM/Quantum 6.4Gb CX IDE HD. A month or so ago I crashed it - loosing patience with a program that was hogging the HD and CPU. Anyway after hitting hard reboot I was not able to get back into the system - it would always hang just after setting the CMOS clock. I had just made the decision that I was going to move to the GNOME desktop from KDE and so took this situation as an opportunity to install a publishers edition of RH6.0. Another no go it would hang during init. at the point of setting up syslog. I attempted to install a publishers edition of Slackware 3.5 - same problem. Attempted a trial of Corel Linux - same problem (if my memory serves me well). But . . . but . . . Was able to install a publishers edition of Caldera OpenLinux 2.2. I have stuck with this for the last month or so but now have the finances to fix my problem, which as I see it (and my knowledge is limited :-) is a hardware problem, either the HD or the motherboard/CPU. As I still want to move to GNOME and start programming with GTK and Glade. During all the installations I did notice once a problem that one of the distro's didn't like my my /var partition but but was OK once I moved the partition, HD has been scanned for bad blocks , RAM memory modules have been swapped in and out with no problems. Any ideas? Many thanks -- Steve Cheltenham, UK --------- In love and Light we are In darkness we are no less -- Steve - Cheltenham, UK --------- In love and light we are In darkness we are no less _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk