Hiya...i'm new to the list so I guess a quick
intro is in order....
My name is Desiree and I live in Perth Western
I use Linux RedHat 6.2 and Debian
Ive been into linux for about a year and tried
about 12 distro's.
OK My Question is...
ages ago I happened accross a thread on a newsgroup
somewhere about setting up multiple Xserver logins...
something about setting the display varible to 0.0
and 1.1 or something..
at the time I wasnt "Au Fait" with Linux. I thought
Id kept the article but I cant find it.
neither can I find in anywhere it ldap
and when i ask my local linux group they all tell
me about alt and f2 etc...
(the terminal logins) or they ask why i want to do
does anyone here know how to set this
i.e. so you can have 2 xservers running at once and
switch between them....???
Thankz in advance
- Re: multiple xservers dez
- Re: multiple xservers sara korhonen