On Mar 6, Robert Siemer conjectured:
> From: "Caitlyn M. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ... Netscape
> > freezing hard, and other random freeze ups. When I went away from Gnome
> > (admittedly an older version) my problems went away. Oh, Netscape still
> > hangs sometimes (4.71), but it doesn't take X or the OS with it.
> The OS? - When the keyboard isn't working anymore: login remote an
> kill netscape... (:
and when that doesn't work (ie, remote connections never get through), the
only solution is to push the little button.
I'd be willing to agree that it's an enlightenment/gnome problem, but this
is the first time it's happened since I started using them last June.
Well, maybe second, but it was never a problem before, and certainly not
to this extent. Which is why I think it's so weird.
Hey kids, let's go to Chernobyl!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org