Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Since I was having infinite trouble getting ICU to work, I went and
>downloaded everybuddy.  Now I need to get my ICQ contact list back.  THat
>means booting windows, though, unless it's findable in my windows
>partition from under linux.  It appears not to be so.  I've been searching
>the directory where icq lives, and its subdirectories, much to no avail.
>Anybody have a clue?
In the icq directory there is one called 'Db99b' if you have one of the more recent 
versions or 'Db' for the older ones I think, it has files in there with your icq uin. 
Those are your contact list and history databases.
I don't know if everybuddy uses those or not, tho.


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