Sriram-HO wrote:
> Jenn
> I have a project to complete. In the site we have implemented Checkpoint
> Firewall 1 ver 4.1 on a NT box. On the other NT box we have Trend Enterprise
> CVP server. Now the site runs IIS on the NT which also runs Check point.
> They have a Linux box there which runs squid for corporate and dept. access.
> Though people use checkpoint box as their gateway, for clients only Linux
> exists and this forwards all the requests to checkpoint. I should be in a
> position to put some kind of product such as websense. Once I have something
> like websense for Linux, I can map this websense like product which runs on
> Linux from the Checkpoint box for any outbound connection and do the
> filtering at that point.
Hm. Gotcha.
I know my husband's company filters using Squid and code they've written
themselves, I'm not sure whether Squid has filtering capacity on it's own,
I *know* it can be coded on. I just don't know if it does it.
Having not heard of checkpoint, and seeing that you specifically need to
use /it/.. I guess I can't be much more help. :(
Jenn V.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman