#if Chris R.
> This might sound impossible, but does anyone know how I can pick up mail
> from a shell account through windows. Currently I use Outlook Express for
> windows. Any ideas/thoughts would be acceptable. My reason for doing this
> is because I do not use Linux, yet, as my main operating system....although
> I have just about figured out how to use everything, I am not ready for the
> plunge.
No problem. Just run a pop server on your shell account.
There are more complicated ways to do it, but this is the easiest.
You can find pop servers (that can be run as a normal user) at freshmeat.net
Oh, you can get your pop daemon to only open a port occasionally,
so as not to piss off the admin. You just telnet in and run it, then
pick up your mail, then kill it.
Did you say impossible ? ;)
Sport amused, matter-of-fact cynicism.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org