On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 10:29:33PM -0500, Beverly Guillermo wrote:
> The thing is that you can configure your system to have the "standardized"
> installation or not.  If it's not a system program, I generally place new
> programs in /usr/local  ... I think it's a matter of personal choice. =)

The "standard" way of doing it is to have the distribution install
everything in /usr, while leaving it up to the user to install stuff
in /usr/local

I really don't like /usr/local, infact I don't have any programs
installed there.  I tend to use /opt/<package>, that way a quick rm
-rf /opt/<package> will delete all trace of it.  If it really is
deserving to be installed on my system... it get's packaged, that way
I can uninstall it when I get bored of it...

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