I'm sorry to re-post this, but it's very difficult working in Gnome 
without "double click" support.  I'm sure it's a stupid configuration 
problem somewhere (that's what all of my problems so far have turned out to 
be), but I can't find it and no one else seems to know what I'm talking 
about. (I tried [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well)  I've included my previous 
post (with some modifications to answer questions I was posed by 
others).  Even if someone can't solve this problem in one shot (even though 
that would be nice ;^), pointers to other references would be appreciated.


At 09:25 2/12/00 -0600, you wrote:
 >      I'm running Red Hat 6.0, October Gnome, kernel 2.2.14.  For some reason,
 >when I double click on a file (say a .txt file) in gmc (gmc-4.5.42-2) that
 >file doesn't open in the program it's setup for (xemacs). (It doesn't do 

I've also tried setting gnp and gedit as my "gnome-editor" with no 
luck.  Also, when I right click an html file I'm presented with "Open with 
Netscape", but even that does nothing.  Interestingly enough, when I right 
click a file and choose "View" I'm able to see html, txt, and pdf files 
(gnumeric files don't open with this), but only in some sort of default 
viewer.  (It seems to be like whatever gmc does to handle MIME types is 
either not running or is not getting the requests)

 >  If I go to the command line and type "xemacs file.txt" it works 
fine.  Note, this is a new
 >problem and did not exist last week (i.e. It was working for several 
months before this
 >happened) and my MIME types in the Control Center
 >seem to be correct.  The only thing I know I've done since it worked last
 >was to try fixing a problem with my internet connection.  For some reason,
 >Netscape had started sending out packets even after it was closed (I saw
 >them on tcpdump).  Rather than just rebooting (which I ended up doing
 >anyway) I opened gtop and tried killing processes that looked like they
 >might be the problem.  I don't know if this has any bearing.

 >PS.  This is a problem with all of the users on my system, including root.

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