On 16.02.00, 20:04:29, Kevin Porter wrote:

> I have a floppy disk which is DOS formatted.
> How do I format it as a Linux disk?

> Sorry for the dumb question, but I searched in
> RH manuals and the RedHat site, but no joy...

Kevin, are you sure you want to do this?

Under normal circumstances there is no problem
using DOS readable disquettes on Linux...

If your /etc/fstab contains a line like this

     /dev/fd0     /mnt/floppy      auto    sync,user,
                                           nodev,unhide   0   0

you will be able to mount them easily.

Hope this helps a bit,

K.-H. Zimmer
Germany      http://home.snafu.de/khz/index.html
             (some say 'his so called homepage')

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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