Just wanted to say that I was reminded the hard way tonight that
its not always configuration that stops you from being able to setup
devices on your computer. I have been struggling for a month with
an external 56.6 modem, and could not get it. Minicom would let
me dial out with it as a 56.6 modem...but all it would display on the
screen was random characters. We reset the serial speed to 9600
and 19200, and it works, but anything above that, and the modem
freaks out. Anything above those speeds, and it won't dial using chat,
either. *mumble* I asked the guy who gave me the modem about it
at work today, and his reply was "Oh, yeah, I had it working fine in my
system until I moved. After that, it seemed to run rather oddly."
Its nice to finally have an answer, but its one of those answers that makes
you want to throw things. A month of hair pulling when everything had been
set up correctly, for the most part.
*shrug* And now, back to your regularly scheduled program.
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