I'm ah, medicated at the moment, so feel free to delete if incoherent.

Excerpts from linuxchix: 29-Feb-100 [techtalk] gcc versions and.. by
"Becky L. Norum"@coe.neu 
> I've been developing my C programs at home using RH6.0
> We are required to submit them on Sparc workstations at school.
> A program I've been writing compiles and executes correctly at home; when
> I try to execute it at school I get a bus error.
> My question is: What exactly is a bus error (I thought it was like a seg
> fault - trying to reference a NULL location...) AND why would I be getting
> it on one machine and not another?

Hm, maybe this should be a FAQ.  Both indicate that youre accessig
memory that you shouldn't.  A segmentation violation (seg fault) occurs
on an attempt to write/read to memory that you do not have access to. 
Most common case is *NULL, since you usually dont have access to

Bus error is when the request doesnt fit on the memeory bus.  For
example, if memory's like:

  |data1   | 0x00
  |data2   | 0x04
  |data3   | 0x08
  |data4   | 0x0c

And you request 0x03, it can't figure out how to get the data at 0x03.

So, if you're doing aligned/unaligned access, it might Bus Error on one
platform and not on another.

It's definitely a problem with the program...  When it doesnt bus error,
the fault is probably manifesting elsewhere, such as with bad data.
> Does it have anything to do with the version of gcc?
> At home, gcc is:
> gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
> At school:
> gcc version 2.8.1

Probably has to do more with the different processor types. 

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