There was some docs posted somewhere on dell laptops with linux, last
spring/summer, though i can't put my finger on them now...damn....

I think you can change the com of the modem in the bios...there was
something about the inspirons at, but i'm not sure how different
lattitudes are.  The docs at 808hi are for NT, which has a similar issue
with the modems dell puts in those laptops.  You need the base address and
the com you want. had a group for linux on dell laptops, too...


On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Valarie Findlay wrote:

> i just installed corel linux on my dell laptop and everything went smooth until
> i tried to configure my dial up ... my modem is on com5 on my laptop but there
> is no option for that port in corel linux - it goes to my com4 only ...
> does anyone have any suggestions before i *really* start messing with it?
> ************


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