#if Shad Young
> The taskbar is called kpanel. It should reside in the same place as the
> kde bin's. If you can open kfm you can click "File/Run" and type in
> kpanel to launch it. If it is not coming up automatically, you may need
> to type in "usekde" at the command line or remove the .kde directory in
> your home dir. If both those things fail you may need to reinstall the
> base KDE system.

Well usekde probably won't do anything as the system is already
configured to use kde :)

Simply removing ~/.kde loses your settings, so it's much nicer to back
it up first so you can copy over anything that hasn't been screwed up.

Reinstalling KDE is drastic and probably unnecessary, but it may
be an option later, if hiding ~/.kde doesn't work. It is of course
possible that the kdebase package is buggered, but not likely, seeing
as kwm starts (kwm is in the same package as kpanel.)


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