Hey Caitlyn,
Can you repost that site. There doesn't seem to be DNS
for it, as it reports a not found. Perhaps a typo?
Quoting "Caitlyn M. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Y'all might want to check out:
> http://www.linmodem.org
> Regards,
> Caity
> > ...And if it is indeed a WinModem that you are SOL.
> > They are completely incompatible with Linux....
> >
> > This is not technically completely correct. There
are a couple of
> programs
> > out there that enable the software modems undr
Linux. Then only problem
> > with them is...1) they eat so much processing power
it bogs the machine
> > 2)they are a royal pain in the behind to config
> > Possibly, eventually, someone will come up with a
way to efficiently add
> a
> > winmodem to Linux. (IMHO hardware modems will
ALWAYS be much
> better)....USR
> > all the way!
> >
> > Get Your Private, Free Email at
> >
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Harry Hoffman
Product Systems Specialist
Restaurants Unlimited Inc.
Seattle WA
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