I've finally gotten around to setting up sound on my laptop but i've hit 
a little problem.

After rebuilding kernel( 2.2.1) & MAKEDEV'ing audio i was 
a psyched girl when cd's played fine. After confirming that a
standard audio cd worked, I 
popped in a CDR with some MP3's on it-fired up mpg123 and got the
following message:
Can't open /dev/dsp!

I also tried 'saytime', which is just supposed to recite the time aloud
and got the following message:
opening /dev/audio: Operation not supported by device
(it's not exactly crucial that this program work, i was just looking for
another method to test the sound devices)

I tried both as root and with a regular user account with no success.
I am using Debian 2.1 that's current with the 'stable' directory on their
ftp site. 

I am sure there is something i am overlooking that must be a 'Debian
thing'. Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the CGI that
searches their mailing list arc's and sound-howto was no help.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Let
me know if there is any
additional information i can provide.
Thanks in advance.


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