On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Robert Kiesling wrote:

> > Eeek!  Mozilla M13 completely chokes when trying to render
> > www.mainmatter.com!  It just puts up a little gray rectangle!  It's quite
> > possibly a bug in Mozilla, but I've been using it as my primary browser
> > since it came out, and it's able to render almost all pages I've come
> > across.  You might want to check your HTML.
> It's possible that Mozilla doesn't like the default.asp pages.
> All they do is point to an index.html page, but they had to be
> there because the site was originally on an NT server.  I would
> try http://www.mainmatter.com/index.html... otherwise, I don't
> know... the pages are mostly hand coded, with some HTML tags from 
> Netscape composer.  Please let me know if that's what it is.  

Nope, still dead.  That's quite odd, because I've looked at the HTML and
it really doesn't look that unusual...strange.  I'll let you know if I
figure out where it's choking...


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