On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Martin Doyle wrote:
> I've read several howto's on the subject, and have made several attempts
> to get this working without success. Would you mind giving me a brief
> outline of what is required, both from Linux and exceed.
Well, very little is required of Linux from my experience. Simply make
sure your Linux box is running well and is on the network. I usually
install eXceed and configure the X server portion to allow connections
from the linux box by adding the linux box's IP address or full hostname
to the xhost list. While the X server is runnning on the Windows box,
telnet to the Linux box and either `set DISPLAY <hostname>:0' or `export
DISPLAY=<hostname>:0' where hostname is the hostname of the Windows box.
Then once the DISPLAY variable is set, execute the X application you need
to run. Linux should run the pplication and the output will be directed to
the primary (0) display on the Windows box (hostname). If you need more
help or specific answers, feel free to ask. What I just wrote is a very
simplified list of what I normally do to get eXceed working with Linux.
Bad Mojo <RPS Figurehead, ThinkPad Pope, SysAdmin>
"When I need to I hit people with the largest weapon I can find: the Earth."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org