> > I've noticed that some electronic equipment can have a acrid
> > odour. I'm guessing at this, but it might be the plastic the
> > manufacturer uses. I've experienced this occasionally with
> > various devices (clock-radios, etc). Not only does it smell
> > strong, it makes my eyes burn. Now that I've switched back to my
> > old monitor, my eyes aren't burning as much. The solution is
> > simple--I'll try a different manufacturer's monitor.
I'd be wary of such odors. Twice I've encountered monitors that had a
weird smell, like plastic or circuit boards burning. Each time the monitor
worked perfectly fine, it just smelled funny. The manufacturers claimed
it was part of the burn-in process (which, imho, they should have made
sure is complete before shipping it out).
Anyway, to get to the point, that odor made my entire family so sick that
at some point we all vomited. Since then if any new computer device has a
similar smell, it immediately goes back.
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