Oh -- another thing about Dell -- all or most of their upgrades -- flash
BIOS, DIAG's, are in ".EXE" format -- which means you need access to
a Windoze machine to extract them to floppies. Why they can't just
provide them in a tar'ed zip format as well, I dunno.
Right now, for example, I copied all 4 diag floppies -- but now when
trying to actually use them I discover floppy 4 is corrupt. Of course
there is no way just to extract floppy 4 -- so I have to re-write
all 4 floppies.
While I like the larger screen -- big and bright, and the performance
is satisfactory for a laptop (but don't believe the hype about it being
a Desktop replacement). I don't know exactly what the HD is, but
it's about 4-8 times as slow as my Desktop's SCSI's and the "Mobile
Pentium-III" must have some diff because it doesn't execute as fast
as a regular 500 -- I've been told that the "Mobile Pentium-III" is
sorta like the Celeron version of the P-III. It does have good
battery life. Been off of power for over 2 hours and it was only
down about 50%.
(Hope that Dell person is taking notes...:-))
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