> To view the Postscript, you can use Ghostscript directly 
> with the X11 device, or, even simpler use ghostview or 
> mgv, the Motif version.   All of them are available
> in the standard distributions.

ghostview sucks; gv (ghostview that's been updated more recently than
1992) is _much_ better and is included on all modern dists.  mgv is as
much as dead, FAIAP, and is hard to find nowadays.  using straight gs
to view postscript works, but is limited.  gv (or kghostview if you're
KDE-inclined) is much more powerful and full-featured.  gv and, i
think, kghostview will also view .pdf files. 


|  Tim Pickering                 |     Kapteyn Institute, Postbus 800  |  
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              | 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands  |
|  http://www.astro.rug.nl/~tim/ |                    +31-50-363-6519  |
In any formula, constants (especially those obtained from handbooks)
are to be treated as variables.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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