
I have been using ipchains for a while and am fairly comfortable with them.

Now my filtering needs are growing and becoming more specific. So, I decided
to impose the DENY policy as the default on the "input" chain (for the external
interface). After I DENY everything at first and try to implement the following

  1. Allow only specific subnets on the external interface to port X, on input chain.

I cannot go out to the Web nor resolve any DNS names. Mail will not go out.
My system does have a small DNS which forwards requests to my ISP's nameserver.
Nothing really works.

======= The default DENY Policy on input chain ======
        ipchains -P input DENY
        ipchains -A input -i lo -j ACCEPT
        ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -s -l -j DENY
        ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -p TCP -s -d $LOCALIP X -l -j ACCEPT

        ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -p UDP -s I.S.P.NS -d $LOCALIP 53 -j ACCEPT
        ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -p UDP -s I.S.P.NS1 -d $LOCALIP 53 -j ACCEPT

======= The default DENY Policy on input chain ======

Any idea how to use the default DENY policy and yet going out to the Internet and
use the Internet services?

Subba Rao

 => Time is relative. Here is a new way to look at time. <=

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