You could download the ISO to your hard drive, mount it as an ISO
filesystem and write the updates to it before you burn it to CD.

man mount says: 
The standard form of the mount command, is
         mount -t type device dir

<lots o snip>

 -w   Mount the  file  system  read/write.  This  is  the
      default. A synonym is -o rw.

<lots o snip> more on -t:
The  type  iso9660 is the default.  If no -t option
is given, or if the auto  type  is  specified,  the
superblock   is  probed  for  the  filesystem  type.

I'm imagining
mount -t iso9660 /redhat/iso/location /mnt/rh-iso 
would be peachy... might not even need the -t iso9660 (I never use a -t)

I have never mounted local stuffs in such a fashion, maybe I'm missing
something. :o)

I'm not sure about making the CD bootable, for that I'd go to that CD 
burning howto that popped up just before this reply.

> Hey All,
>   I was wondering if anyone has any info about the iso 
> images (such as RedHat ftp site). I want to build a RH 
> distro that already includes security and bugfixes. I am 
> under the impression that the .iso images copies onto 
> the CD which also make it bootable. Anybody??


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