On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Sunnanvind wrote:
> Mm, so is it possible to have one Xserver running in 1024x768x16bpp and one in
> 640x480x8bpp and switch between them?
> Sunnan

Hi Sunnan,

I haven't tried it myself, but there's supposed to be a way to do this
by starting up with (and I quote):

        xinit ... -bpp 8
        xinit ... -bpp 16

...if your XF86 configuration files are set up properly.  This would let
you Alt-F7 and Alt-F8 toggle between the two servers.

Beyond that, I don't know what's involved.  This is third-hand 
information. :-)

Take care,



Andrew Plumb, VE3SLG
spk2_0.0.2:  http://www.plumb.org/tekmage/source/spk2/

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