Having the package wouldn't make much of a difference if you were using
ping. A ping is a ping is a ping, a mac ping is just a ping to a
windows/Redhat/SuSE/OBSD/Solaris machine, and vice versa, you shouldn't need
any special packages installed to ping a mac, just like you shouldn't need
any special packages installed to ping a linux box. 

If you get lights on the ethernet cards and also on the hub, then you have
good cabling, so that's not at fault either....so I guess the only thing to
check would be to bring up eth0 on the linux box and use /sbin/route and
check that all the routing is set up right. If you're going to be using it
as a masqing box, it would probably be helpful to have the computer
connected to your isp when you run route, then you'll get the whole story
about what the defaultroute is and which routes are set up with which
devices, etc.

Something that would probably be a little less effective would be
traceroute, simply to check and make sure that when you ping the ip of the
mac, it's not trying to send the ping out on the external interface or
something like that...a friend of mine had a problem like this with his
cable modem, (which had it's own IP on his LAN), he would ping it and was
surprised at how slow the response time was, so he tried traceroute, and
found that the ping was going from his machine, to the modem, to the isp,
back to the modem, and that was the response time he was getting, I can't
remember how he fixed it, if it was something with route, or what, but it's
worth a shot...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 7:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [techtalk] Really weird computer troubles
> On Jan 25, Laurel Fan conjectured:
> > Excerpts from linuxchix: 24-Jan-100 Re: [techtalk] Really weird.. by
> > Lighthouse t. D. Sun@one 
> > > The problem lies somewhere between eth0 (my computer) and 
> eth1 (the mac 4
> > > feet away).  They don't want to talk to each other.  
> Silly machines.
> > 
> > Do they know what they are (have the correct ips for 
> themselves and the
> > other silly machine) and how to get there (appropriate 
> route set up)?
> In theory, yes.  The rc.local and rc.firewall files are the 
> same ones we
> used before the hack.  So they should work, in theory.  All I 
> can think of
> at this point is that there's something else set up wrong 
> somewhere else.
> I am pretty sure that I installed the package to talk to 
> macs.  Would that
> make a difference?  I can check and see if I did, if that 
> would matter.  I
> don't know why I wouldn't have, since I knew I was going to 
> be talking to
> the Mac.
> Conni
> -- 
> Time does not betray a dream as long as the dream does not 
> betray time.
>                       -Leiji Matsumoto, _Eternal_
> http://www2.one-eyed-alien.net/~ccovingt
> http://www.angelfire.com/anime/Galadriel
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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