> I tried adding my ISP's DSN IP address to etc/resolv.config
> Same results.
> I tried a few more things...
> My kppp stats indicate that I do have a local and remote ip address, so I 
> assume my ppp connection is OK.
> I pinged my ISP's DSN IP and got "network is unreachable"
> I pinged my local and remote ip addresses  and they looked OK.
> I tried entering just an ip address in netscape and it gave me...
> "A network error occured, unable to connect to server, TCP error, Network is 
> unreachable"
> Any more suggestions? 

There's an option somewhere in kppp that sets the default route to
the ppp connection, and you should select that.  If you have dynamic
addressing selected, then there should be no problem with your host's
individual address, even though it changes with every connection.  It
may also be that a remote server won't answer a ping, especially
if it's an NT server.  


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