-----Original Message-----
From: Esther Lumsdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 18:13:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [techtalk] thanks

> > I bought a great t-shirt from the local Society for Technical Communication 
>chapter which says "Read the Flying Manual" on the back, and has a cute cartoon of a 
>bird reading the manual for flying.
> STC is a professional society for technical writers.  I'm not one, but I thought 
>their t-shirt was an excellent example of technical writing.
> Useful info:
> A very handy ftp site is  ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/
> a usenet-by-hierarchy archive site is 
> ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/
> - Esther Lumsdon

That sounds like a terrific t-shirt<g>.

I appreciate the bookmarks.. I'll try not to lose


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