If you use Red Hat Linux, please see
I admit that it's a bit outdated as far as the version numbers are
concerned, but the same philosophy applies.  We're in the process of
upgrading all our documents on the support site at this moment, so they
should all be up to date soon.  We are also working on adding new docs
there, with plans for a newbies tips section in the near future, so if any
of you use Red Hat Linux and need help with something and can't find info
there that you think would be helpful, please email me and let me know and
I'll do my best to put the info there.  The end goal is to have a site
that any Red Hat user (and eventually any Linux user) can go to for any
kind of online information imaginable.  (:
P.S. Sorry if this seems like a plug.  I guess it is, but it is also an
invitation for the public's input.  (:

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Sunnanvind wrote:

> How can I upgrade my Xfree86?
> I'm looking at
> ftp://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/3.3.6/binaries/Linux-ix86-glibc21/ and I
> don't know wich files I need?
> Sunnan (I got a rtfm on this question from someone who didn't know.)
> --
> http://home.swipnet.se/sunnanvind
> I am you.
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

Cynthia J. Dale
Technical Engineer/FAQ maintainer
Red Hat, Inc.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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