better late than never, "Robert The Fanatical Masochist" However there's a subversive movement running tacross the internet trying to convince people it stands for "Read The Fscking Manual". You can replace the "s" with any letter of your choosing, it's like Alphabet Soup Brian > > What is RTFM? If it's not too much trouble? > > Kelly > -- > ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Re: [techtalk] question Britta Koch
- Re: [techtalk] question jennyw
- Re: [techtalk] question Sunnanvind
- Re: [techtalk] question Birgit Schmid
- Re: [techtalk] question J B
- Re: [techtalk] question Michelle
- RE: [techtalk] question K Kirby
- Re: [techtalk] question jennyw
- Re: [techtalk] question Michelle
- Re: [techtalk] question Sunnanvind
- Re: [techtalk] question Brian Engle
- Re: [techtalk] question aprilk
- RE: [techtalk] question Tarah Hofmann
- RE: [techtalk] question Sunnanvind
- Re: [techtalk] question Dan McGarry
- Re: RE: [techtalk] question aprilk
- RE: RE: [techtalk] question Tarah Hofmann
- Re: [techtalk] question K Kirby
- RE: [techtalk] question K Kirby
- Re: [techtalk] question Jamie Walker
- Re: [techtalk] question K Kirby