From: "Telsa Gwynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > I think it depends how it's used. Certainly the Mozilla folks use it > for both. From That's probably accurate ... For me, a bug and an enhancement are two completely different things, and should go through two completely different processes. Enhancements might be submitted as a bug, but they should be re-written as engineering change orders if they're accepted, and then go through that process. These two are really simplified, but give you an idea of what I'm looking for: Example bug life-cycle: 1. Submitted as a bug. 2. QA confirms that the bug exists, and refers to sections of the spec. or ECO(s) as needed. 3. Bug committee reviews and decides bug is to be fixed, and assigns it to a resource. 4. Engineer fixes bug. 5. QA engineer verifies the bug fix. Other states include deferred and feature. Feature refers to a bug written on something that's behaving the way it should. If the bug is requesting functionality that doesn't exist, it should become an enhancement request. Example enhancement request life-cycle: 1. Submitted to product team. Status: Submitted. 2. Approved as a feature enhancement. 3. Re-written as an engineering change request. ECR includes a description of the functionality (ECRs are amendments to the spec.), what ECOs or sections of the spec. this ECR supercedes, and references. And category of change. And lots of other things, too. 4. Submitted for approval. 5. Approved as an engineering change order, assigned an ECO number. Obviously, neither of these examples is comprehensive, but I think you can see how the enhancement request process differs from the defect tracking process. If I can't find any request tracking systems, I'll probably write a simple one for our own use. Thanks! Jen ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]