Hey guys!

 I'm new to this list, as i am to linux. Unfortunatly i'm having a problem
that nobody was able to solve until now, and i expect that u could help me.
 Everytime i try to install a rpm (btw, i'm using rh 5.2) it says that needs
gtk=>1.2.0 and glib too. Well, i've already downloaded the latest versions
of those libraries (source rpmd), unpacked, configured and installed them
according to the manual, and those programs still prompt the same msg!!!!
I've already tried ldconfig, but didn't work. What should i do?
  Please, linux gurus, help me!!!! :)
Gustavo Sudre
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
UIN: 2065075

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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