What exactly is the problem that you're getting?  What configuration
program are you using for the xfree86 setup?



Are you trying to use the NVidia chipset?


On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, coder wrote:

> Anyone ever use the TNT/TNT2 cards under linux with the modified XFree86
> server and OpenGL ?
> Im looking for a compiled server or code / patch and perhaps a FAQ or
> Not having much luck, and Riva appears to have pulled their driver code
> for a while for some reason.. 
> -- 
> .oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.
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Beverly Guillermo
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