----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 10:17 PM Subject: [techtalk] Dynamic Web sites on Linux > Just wondering if anyone cared to share their experience with developing > database aware Web sites on the Linux platform. [snippage] It seems clear from the deletia that you've already done a good deal of homework. So I'll say from the outset that I've been actively avoiding databases recently -- or trying to 8^) -- in favour of text. Feel free to ignore this message if you're looking for nitty-gritty DB details. I have found mod_perl on Apache to be a wonderful tool, though. Both Perl and Apache are mature and extremely well documented. Their support communities are robust. I've been able to find resolutions for arcane problems without too much fuss and bother. With mod_perl you get a number of handy bonuses: * It's much easier to persist data between sessions. This includes database connections. * You have the flexibility of a scripting language with the performance boost that comes from its compile-once-and-store-in-memory architecture. Word on the street is that performance approaches that of C. (This could easily be bragging for all I know. I've never done any formal testing. I do know that everything I've ported to mod_perl from VB/ASP/NT has achieved rocket-like velocity compared to its earlier incarnation.) * The number of modules available for Perl makes most tasks much easier than they might otherwise have been. Admittedly this last means more to someone who needs to do a lot of text parsing and formatting. With many DB apps, all that is really required is a rock solid data structure and some code to "shovel bits" as a friend of mine once put it. And, as with all silver linings, there comes a patch or two of grey: * The very persistence that I was raving about above can cause some squirrelly problems if one tries to apply CGI or shell-scripting approaches to variable instantiation and scoping. The -w flag and USE STRICT are, IMHO essential to one's sanity in mod_perl. * Ease of maintenance is directly proportional to the time and care that are put into the creation of the code. Larry Wall says 'There's more than one way to do it,' but there are times when the Perl's loose syntax can make for mightily obfuscated code. There's an anecdote attributed to Larry Wall in which his daughter watches him writing code for a while then asks, "Daddy, are you swearing?" My $0.0163 CDN -- Dan McGarry http://www.moodindigo.com/ ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org