I personally support 10 Proliant 5000s, a few 800s, three brand spankin' new
8500s, a few 5500s (or whatever the immediate predecessor to the 5000 was),
and some other lil thing I use as a firewall (Checkpoint FW-1 under NT,) and
I can attest to the fact that Compaq servers are awesome. I have NT, Netware
(woo!), Linux, and FreeBSD on various boxes, and it works great. Plus, if
you're using NT or Netware, Compaq Insight Manager is a godsend. My pager
even goes off if something *really* bad happens. =P

I do wish Compaq would port the Insight Agents to *nix tho.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] servers: Dell vs Compaq [was:Other OSes on a Linux

> >We stopped buying Dell servers because their hard drives pop out
> Have never heard of anything like this.  We have two Dell servers...4300
> Poweredge, and they are pretty good machines...got another 128 MB PC100 to
> put in them, but Dell sold us buffered RAM, and the boards do not support
> it.
> >but Dell isn't particularly helpful.  I think they could learn a >thing
> >two about QA.
> True...I have found a couple of Techs at Dell that were really good.
> try to get their names and extensions so that I can call the back,
> it is luck of the draw....
> >Compaq isn't without issues, but at least we can count on the drives
> > >staying put, the servers taking up a lot less space, and better
> >(reseller
> Compaq does build an awesome server.  I do believe they are the hardest in
> the industry to install, though, because of the Easy Install stuff, and
> diagnostic partition.  But, once they are installed, they run sweetly....
> >I would like to find something better, or at least
> >cheaper, though, which is why I'm asking about rackmount options.  >VA's
> >products look good, and are less expensive, but I'd be >concerned about
> >running NT on them, so I was hoping someone may have >had some experience
> >installing non-Linux on a VA box.
> Personally, I am a fan of clones....spec out and build a box...you know
> exactly what you are getting, and you do not have to deal with proprietary
> motherboards, off the wall parts, etc....
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