for LDP website. Hope everyone's Christmas was


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, December 27, 1999 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Generic Question

>"Tech Docs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> The irony is that I have got a job on Linux and I know nothing about it
>> I tried explaining this to the recruiter but he says he does not find any
>> other hands and left with no other choice :-)
>> I have just started off learning something on Linux. Any clues as to
where I
>> start, how I start, hours of work the experts here have put in to to
>> that kind of techno. status?
>I'm envious... :) I haven't been able to pass an interview for a
>computer related job, much less a system administration job, since I
>first graduated (must be that my degree isn't EE/CS).
>Early on there wasn't much documentation about Linux... so I had to
>use the standard Unix books to learn from.  I seem to remember the
>Unix System V Administrators Guide by Stephen Kochan et al (I think to
>be pretty good)...  A lot of the "Installation and Getting Started,"
>the original Linux administrator's (it's on my web site,
>, for free), deals with GNU/Unix commands,
>instead of the GNOME/KDE/Netscape type questions that are more common
>now.  Olaf Kirch's Network Admin Guide has some pretty neat stuff in
>it, too.  It's on the archive or the LDP web site,
>I happen to like the Regular Expressions book from O'Reilly, because
>it provides some great examples of how to leverage text patterns to
>perform common tasks.  Sort of like a "Tao of Regex's" Most of the
>other O'Reilly topics you can find free counterparts of if you look
>for them.
>Sorry, I sound like I'm rambling.  You can pick up general system admin
>from any of the books out there.  Linux is mostly System V-like in its
>user interface, with some BSD utilities (like the lpd suite of programs).
>Red Hat et al., have recently been veering of in some of the configuration
>details, but the system configurations still follows the System V
>conventions, basically.
>There are some skills that I'm not sure where they're documented...
>like telnetting in to a jammed-up POP server, or concocting a
>regular expression to adjust every users' ~/.profile.
>For specific, detailed differences between GNU utilities and the
>generic Unix counterparts, there are probably many more than anybody
>could enumerate... you just have to look at all of the relevant
>manual pages as they arise.
>Hope this gives you a start.  At least you don't have to buy
>the whole O'Reilly catalog first.  :)


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