On Dec 14, Laurel Fan conjectured:

> Excerpts from linuxchix: 14-Dec-99 [techtalk] update by Lighthouse t. D.
> Sun@one 
> > Any ideas as to what would cause this?
> Possibly, X is trying to run at a higher resolution/colordepth/refresh
> rate than is possible with your monitor and video card setup.  You could
> try editing your XF86Config (do you know how?) to some mode that you
> know is supported, or try the XF86Setup program (do you have it?) which
> starts up X in something like VGA and 640x480. 

I haven't had a chance to run XF86COnfig yet.  I *know* my machine can
handle at least 1240x768(ish) in 8 bit mode.  I was running E/Gnome
before, and I had it set to 1240.  Xconfiguraator has the settings for my
machine (4 mb Vram, monitor type, etc) and probes fine.  I'll try
XF86Config tonight and see if that helps anything.  If not, I'll try
reinstalling the e/gnome rpm's.


Hang your collar up inside; hang your freedom higher.



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