I will try again.
You are having a problem most likely with an .Xauthority file under the home
directory of the user you are su' ing to...
Maureen Lecuona
> Thanks, I'll look into that, but I should have mentioned earlier that I am
> trying to use the text mode of vim. :/ I have vi linked to vim, and I
> thought to use it as X, I needed to issue xvim instead.
> I will look into the xhost mans anyway, as at least that might get rid of
> the error message :) Thank you.
> On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Laurel Fan wrote:
> > Excerpts from linuxchix: 3-Dec-99 [techtalk] Problems with vi by
> > > Hi. :)
> >
> > Hi :)
> >
> > > I am currently running Slackware 7.0 with vim 5.5
> > >
> > > I am encountering an odd error that when I am remotely connected to my
> > > computer and su to another user (any user, including root), I get the
> > > following error message:
> > >
> > >
> > > X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication at Fri Dec 3
> > > 17:13:43 1999.
> > > a
> > > Rejected connection at Fri Dec 3 17:13:43 1999: X11 connection from
> > > paxumbrae.com port 2804
> > >
> > > X connection to hermes:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> >
> > Using ssh?
> >
> > ssh, or any other secure shell, makes sure that X connections[1] can
> > only be made by authorized users. For example (if paxumbrae is the
> > remote and hermes is the local, and lilith is your username on both),
> > when you make the ssh connection from hermes to paxumbrae, the ssh
> > client assumes that you, lilith@hermes, will allow X connections from
> > lilith@paxumbrae. If you su, you are then someoneelse@paxumbrae or even
> > root@paxumbrae, which X, as run by lilith@hermes, doesn't recognize as
> > being authorized to make X connections. The easiest way to fix this is
> > by doing
> >
> > xhost +paxumbrae.com
> >
> > on the local machine, which allows all X connections from paxumbrae.com.
> > If you want to keep your security, use xauth. It's nontrivial though,
> > so I'll just tell you to read the manpage. Alternatively, you could
> > just use vim in text mode.
> >
> > [1]. X is actually pretty interesting. It was from the start designed
> > to be networked, so pretty much everything is done over sockets. The
> > way it works
> > is you run an X server (slightly confusing term, since this is run on
> > what is usually considered a "client" machine). Every program that uses
> > X is a client, and it connects to the X server. So, X servers are just
> > like any other server, such as ftp or web, and can require
> > authentication. When and from who authentication is required can be
> > configured with the xhost and xauth commands.
> >
> >
> >
> > ************
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
> >
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