> Shellscript would work too. Hm. How about 'cp /bin/false /bin/fakeshell'?

well,i'm not sure you understood the problem,you see,there's some users who
want to be able to ftp to the box for uploading purpose (they upload their
webpages),for them,we need to enable a real shell (/bin/bash in this case) but
this also give them the ability to login using telnet creating a security
liability for the server,the owner of the business also have another isp which
use a shell named /bin/ftponly,i tried real hard to search for that utility
but i found nothing (and he's virtually working 46 hours per day so he still
hasn't answered my mail about where to get this app),do you know of a shell
which would enable user to upload this while not giving telnet access ??

Thanks a lot

Alain Toussaint
> Jenn V.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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