> Hi, Hello > Does anybody know of a smallish editor that can read > rtf-files? I don't mean a full fledged office app, > I've already got StarOffice installed:) have a look at <http://www.abisource.com/>,they have a good word processor which is gpl`ed and though it`s beta,it work very fine. Alain > TIA, you`re welcome !! > /diff ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] Rtf-files? Tina Johnsson
- Re: [techtalk] Rtf-files? Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] Rtf-files? Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] Rtf-files? Tina Johnsson
- Re: [techtalk] Rtf-files? Laurel Fan