> > If you read mail through most windows news readers you need to choose an
> > address for your mail to come from... (your from: ), but it can only be
> > one (say you choose [EMAIL PROTECTED]). I don't know of a windows news
> > reader who would say recognise
> > and say "well, it looks like that's what I need to say my From: is in
> > the response instead of the default [EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> Mmm... that can be avoided creating one user on the linux box each account
> and using any multiple-account window mail reader (such as netscape mail)
But your "from" is always the same, unless you change it in netscape
Also, netscape's IMAP will only let you have one account for a mail
server. Last week, I set up netscape IMAP mail to read from the
"problem" account on mail.wsu.edu. I wanted to read my mail at the same
time via IMAP (on the same server), but it wouldn't accept that, said I
could only have the mail server in there once ("This server is already
added to the list"). This is a bug in the linux client, it crashes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org