I got a bounce filter message and wanted to see if I'm still on the list.
NEVADA BELL has had yet another major email meltdown - SHEESH!!

Thank you for your cooperation!

Dennis ...


----- Original Message -----
From: Darren Osadchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Problems w/Gimp

> >>I'm having some odd colour problems with Gimp (and Wordperfect, it
> >>turns out). When I start Gimp, I get a message which reads, "Unable
> >>to allocate sufficient colormap entries. Try exiting other color
> >>intensive applications." The Gimp window then appears in purple
> >>(which it shouldn't be). Clicking on it will make it turn into the
> >>proper grey, but everything else on the screen goes wacky. As soon as
> >>I move the mouse, everything reverts to its normal (screwed up)
> >>status. When I start WP, I get the message "Cannot allocate colormap
> >>entry for default background" and the WP document window is in black
> >>and white. Any explanations as to what's causing this would be most
> >>welcome.
> >
> >You are running X in 8 bit mode.  Gimp, like most graphics
> >applications, requires a lot of colors, and when run on an 8 bpp
> >display, attempts to allocate a "color cube" that will take up most of
> >the 256-entry colormap.  If you're running a WM like Enlightenment,
> >odds are there won't be that many free colors available.
> Running X in 16 bit fixes the problem (thanks to everybody who pointed
> out).
> My next question is, why is this the default choice for X? My video card
> can definitely support higher colour depths, and those settings are in
> XF86Config, so how do I make X start in a higher colour depth by default,
> without having to type "startx -- -bpp 16" every time?
> >What version of Gimp do you have?  The behavior you're reporting
> >sounds like 0.54 -- I'd hope that nobody is distributing such an
> >ancient version.... 1.1 has GtkRGB support and should cope even with
> >very restricted colormaps, thanks to the magic of Raph... :)
> Offhand, I can't remember. It's the version that's distributed with Red
> 5.2.
> "If nations can behave like individuals, he was an individual who behaved
>  like a nation: enduring decades of edgy submissiveness, then bursting
>  into revolt, eager for fresh rhetoric and a renewed image of himself."
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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