> Debian seemed to need rather more than just one floppy: I think > I had eight in all: the rescue floppy and a series of seven floppies > in order.... it's 9 floppy,the rescue floppy,the driver floppy and the 7 base floppy,the only CD installation i've done was my first,every other one where by ftp and/or http (currently),it's quite easy to do it it with an internet connection but much better of if you're on Cable/Adsl/T1 than dial-up (currently dial-up but i do it at night),but i don't recommend it if your network is on DHCP addressing as there's no DHCP support in the stable disk. Alain Toussaint ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- RE: [techtalk] Install from floppies Cathy James
- [techtalk] Install from floppies J B
- Re: [techtalk] Install from floppies franzoni
- [techtalk] using ppp as non root user Matthias Holschneider
- Re: [techtalk] using ppp as non roo... Jenn V.
- Re: [techtalk] using ppp as no... Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] using ppp as non roo... Nils Philippsen
- Re: [techtalk] using ppp as non roo... Sean McAfee
- Re: [techtalk] Install from floppies Amanda Owens
- Re: [techtalk] Install from floppies Telsa Gwynne
- Re: [techtalk] Install from floppies Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] Install from floppies Tamara Thompson
- Re: [techtalk] Install from floppies Wendy_Winslow
- muLinux (was: [techtalk] Install from flopp... Karl-Heinz Zimmer