I'm sure you're right. I didn't try it before I wrote it down. :) I have
it bookmarked somewhere.
Also: Sun has a knowledge base for Star Office, as well as a news server
(starnews.sun.com) with newsgroups for the different platforms and programs.
These are useful, and worth a read if you're interested in Star Office.
There's an installation FAQ on the newsgroup staroffice.com.support.announce
that's worth reading before you go to the trouble of downloading the
70MB (or 7 10ish MB) file.
Applix has support information on their web page. They have a mailing
list that is great - not only can other users help you with problems, but
there are a couple of Applix engineers who read the group and help people
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Cathy James wrote:
> >Star Office is downloadable from staroffice.sun.com.
> That didn't work for me. Try www.sun.com/staroffice.
> --Cathy
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